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GLP-1 premium

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What is GLP-1 and how does it work for weight loss?
Suppress appetite and reduce calorie intake

How our product helps you increase GLP-1 levels:
Our formula helps regulate appetite, reduce cravings, and support healthy weight management. achieve your weight loss goals.

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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a 30- or 31-amino-acid-long peptide hormone deriving from the tissue-specific posttranslational processing of the proglucagon peptide. It is produced and secreted by intestinal enteroendocrine L-cells and certain neurons within the nucleus of the solitary tract in the brainstem upon food consumption. The initial product GLP-1 (1–37) is susceptible to amidation and proteolytic cleavage, which gives rise to the two truncated and equipotent biologically active forms, GLP-1 (7–36) amide and GLP-1 (7–37). Active GLP-1 protein secondary structure includes two α-helices from amino acid position 13–20 and 24–35 separated by a linker region.


Effects of GPL-1 on the body

Endogenous GLP-1 is rapidly degraded primarily by dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP 24.11), and renal clearance, with a half-life of approximately 2 minutes. As a result, only 10-15% of GLP-1 enters the circulation intact, resulting in fasting plasma levels of only 0-15 pmol/L. To overcome this problem, GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors have been developed to increase GLP-1 activity. Compared with common therapeutic agents such as insulin and sulfonylureas, GLP-1-based therapy has been associated with weight loss and reduced risk of hypoglycemia, two important considerations for patients with type 2 diabetes.

It is well known that the smoother the blood sugar changes the easier it is to lose weight, as we can see in the graph on the left, only the green line has the smoothest blood sugar.And GLP-1 can be very good at ameliorating large swings in blood sugar



Have you ever found yourself craving a snack in a meeting or late at night? It's frustrating when your appetite gets in the way of your goals.


Worse yet, have you ever felt regret and guilt after eating too much? It’s hard to stay focused and motivated when your body isn’t cooperating.


With GLP1 Activate Capsule, you can regain control over your appetite and energy levels, supporting a healthier and more balanced approach to weight loss. 

You deserve to feel confident and empowered, from the gym to the bedroom to your evening plans.

Live your best life with healthy cells.

Starting from $39.99/mo


GLP-1: The Supplement Experts Take

Church, Ph.D

Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School and MIT

“In my lab, we've been asking, 'What's the point of this pure science we're doing?' Let's steer it in a direction where people can relate to it and hopefully help them in some way.GPL-1 is the result of that thinking - for decades, we've been focused on studying the importance of DPP-4, and ultimately developing a product that people can use in their daily lives to support their cellular health."

Kirsty Godso

Nike Master Trainer, Performance Specialist

“I believe in keeping everything very simple. One of my go-to ways to invest in myself is to stay in tip-top shape. one of the effects of GLP-1 is to inhibit gastric emptying, which slows down its own secretion when activated after a meal.“

Morgan  Levine, Ph.D.

Yale Center for Research on Aging (Y-Age)

“As a scientist studying weight loss, I'm fortunate to have a front row seat to the amazing discoveries in this field. As such, I make every effort to apply what my colleagues and I learn in the lab to our daily lives. In addition to following a specific diet plan and trying to get 7.5 hours of sleep a night, I'm also an avid user of GLP-1.


What to expect?

After a few days:

Your body will begin to adjust to the effects of GLP-1 activity. You will feel full and thus eat and drink no more big meals


After a few weeks:

GLP-1 is released in a biphasic pattern, with an early phase 10-15 minutes after a meal and a longer second phase 30-60 minutes later. Starts with rapid changes in blood glucose all the time


After a few months:

Your body may reach a new, higher baseline, which improves your body's metabolism and allows you to lose weight.


What Are Others Saying?

Real results from 5,000+ users of our GLP-1


said they're light.


Says their skin levels have improved


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Over 18,000+ Orders Shipped Worldwide

Excellent 4.8/5

Makes a difference

About 3 years ago, I ordered GLP-1 and took it for about 6 months, feeling that it didn't help me in any way. However, this year I decided to try it again based on the research (and the fact that I was getting heavier). I took it for two months and then took a month off. That's when I really felt the difference. the GLP-1 was so effective that I managed to lose 10 pounds and I will continue to take it this time.


Caren M.


I am a recent college graduate who has been taking GLP-1 for several years and I am convinced that it has helped keep me in shape. I have been reporting to all my doctors about taking this product. I don't know much about the science behind GLP-1, but I appreciate that it works. Thank you so much for developing this product. It is priceless.


Wanda F.

Love it

I have been taking this GLP-1 for over five years and I believe it has improved my weight and kept it off!


Allysa L.

Security blanket

I started taking GLP-1 at 150 pounds and today I weighed in at 122 pounds, I'm so thankful for this product and I'm definitely going to keep it up!


Dalmen M.

The best quality products available in one easy package

 After reading and researching extensively on various weight loss products, we had a hard time finding recommended individual products from reliable and tested sources. Then we found GLP-1. This product really had me in the mindset of giving it a try, but so far we (my wife and I) have been taking it for about 90 days and we are very happy with how we feel.


Nicholas P.


I just finished my first month & I'm buying a second one sooooo :)


Donna H.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why GLP-1 is important?

GLP-1 promotes insulin secretion, inhibits glucagon secretion (glucagon raises blood sugar) and stimulates pancreatic beta cells to release more insulin, producing a lowering of blood sugar. At the same time, it slows down gastric emptying, so that people will not feel hungry, and therefore their appetite will decrease, which is conducive to weight control.

Is GLP-1 effective?

GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA) are effective weight loss drugs. However, the exact mechanism of action of GLP-1RA on the central nervous system remains unclear. In this study, the research team first asked obese volunteers to participate in a trial to assess how full they felt before and after eating a plate of fried chicken. The team found that those volunteers who used a GLP-1 receptor agonist reported feeling full before eating, and even more so after eating.

What does GLP-1 mean?

GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) drugs are being touted as disruptive medications that could treat obesity, and some drug makers have begun expanding their production capacity after recently receiving approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).3 GLP-1 is a naturally occurring hormone that is secreted into the intestinal tract and the brain during eating, and regulates blood sugar when blood glucose levels are too high by stimulating the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

What kind of people can't take it?

GLP-1RA can be used as a single agent or in combination with multiple oral hypoglycemic agents and basal insulin therapy when glycemic control is inadequate.GLP-1RA is contraindicated in (1) patients with hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or any other excipients of the product; (2) patients with a history or family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC); and (3) patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2 (MEN2).

What is the history of GLP-1

In 1902, Starling and Bayliss discovered the first hormone, secretin 
In 1932, La Barre first introduced the concept of “enteroglucagon” to describe a mucosal extract of the upper intestine that lowers blood glucose but does not cause pancreatic exocrine secretion 
Between 1964 and 1967, Elriek and at least three other independent research groups found that although intravenous glucose resulted in higher blood glucose levels than oral glucose, oral glucose stimulated a greater insulin secretory response than did intravenous glucose, an additional effect that has been termed the “enteroglucagon effect” .
In 1971, Brown isolated the first enteroglucagon, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), from small intestinal mucosa 
In 1985, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) was also isolated and extracted from the intestinal mucosa, becoming the second and last enteroglucagon to be confirmed and discovered to date 


How to use

Stick to 2 instances, 2 times a day.
When you stick to it for more than 3 months, you will find a brand new you!
